Fighting modelling arrogance is a big problem with modelling in general and with modelling exams in particular. Arrogance of modellers results in poorly written modelling exams and it results in people failing exams. At the outset I admit that I have been arrogant about modelling in the past. I thought I had a good style and I was reluctant to look at other modelling methods. I am probably still arrogant but I have reviewed very many models over the past 40 years and I have tried to steal methods from others. I have also tried differnt methods which have not been good and finally arrived at methods that seem to be good. For example in consoldiating projects I have tried different methods and finally arrived at a method with a template and a couple of simple macros that I think works well. I have had the same experience of doing things badly and then trying to improve with debt sculpting, tax partnerships, circular references, conversion of models from monthly time lines to semi-annual time lines, writing macros and many other subjects. The final way that I understood that I have been arrogant is to try and complete interview exams on a wide variety of cases. I have seen how important it is to have an idea of what the case objectives are and to re-struture the model inputs.
On this page I include some discussion of modelling arrogance of people who come out of university and may have a year or two of modelling and then take one of the modelling exams. If you are somebody like this I argue that you should practice simple examples over and over again and you should figure out how not to waste time on modelling formats. I have included some examples that you should be able to finish very quickly and that you should practice even if you consider yourself (arrogantly) to be a good modeller.
I also discuss my theory with respect to the arrogant people who construct the exams (which is in my imagination). I show examples of how the exam writters have apparently not tried their own write-ups to see if it is possible to complete the exams.
How I Try to Deal with Arrogant Modellers
When teaching courses I often run into arrogant modellers. I have this feeling that they see me and think that such an old man cannot tell us anything about modelling.
Can you Complete This Exercise with a Nicely Formatted Model in Fifteen Minutes
I really enjoyed watching your “Model test from hell” session. Your relaxed attitude, not talking the financial pro talk really helps. So please continue, swear, show your frustration as we all would in the same situation and share your experience. Is it possible to get the model at it’s start point ..? I like to build it the same way by watch your video.