Renewable Resource Analysis (Solar, Wind, Hydro)

The pages in this menu address various resource, economic and financial issues associated with renewable energy. The other pages describe details of resource estimation, probability of resource analysis, financing analysis.

Instructions for Downloading Files with Macros

Excel File with Simple Reserve Based Loan Contrasted to Equal Installment with Hedges and Price Senstivity

The file and the video below review a course on renewable energy.

Wind Playlist

There are a series of videos that describe the various issues associated with analysing wind projects. I have no idea how you could watch all of these videos without going crazy. But you may want to tak a look at a couple of them.

If you want the files associated with wind I have the files in a folder (chapter 1, project finance/featured models/wind) of the resources. Just drop and email to and I will send a google drive with a whole lot of stuff (probably too much). But you can unzip the files and look for what you want and save the google drive in the cloud….