Data Tables

This scenario analysis page includes files, videos and excerpts from my book that allow you to quickly add scenario analysis to any excel file. The scenario analysis discussion begins with a basic discussion of how to build data tables. After scenario analysis is addressed using the excel data table tool, a number of exercises and videos explain how to build scenario analysis with macros instead of data tables. I have also included discussion of how to use and build the scenario reporter. The scenario reporter is a file that you can add to any of your spreadsheets and then name and record scenarios. I have divided the files into three lesson sets. The first lesson set addresses data tables which you can probably find in thousands of other videos. The second video set moves to more advanced issues with use of macros that can dramatically improve data tables and use of various techniques to make the scenario analysis more flexible. The third video set explains how you can use and create a scenario reporter.

The first video provides and example of a finished file. Other exercises walk through how to start with a simple example and ultimately make a very flexible analysis and a nice summary page.

Scenario Lesson Set 1: Adding Master Scenario Page to Any Model

To make a master scenario page that has a base case, upside case and downside case, you can use the INDEX function combined with the DATA TABLE tool of excel. To do this, you should understand how a data table works and how the INDEX function can be used with a code number. The steps in this process include:

1. Set-up of a Separate Master Scenario page in Basic Model
Objective of Scenario Page
Understanding Data Tables for Scenario Analysis
Use of Code Number and INDEX or CHOOSE Functions
Presentation of Cash Flow Data with SUMIF
Putting together Scenario Analysis


Exercise Files for Construction of Basic Scenario Analysis


Exercise 7 – Data Tables and Auto_Open.xlsm

Exercise 1 – Data Tables without Macros.xlsm

Exercise 9 – Basic Scenario Analysis.xlsm

Exercise 8 – Data Tables and Save.xlsm

Exercise 9 – Basic Scenario Analysis.xlsm

Exercise 10 – Basic Sensitivity Analysis.xlsm

Exercise 11 – Basic Custom Scenario.xlsm


Files Associated with Videos

Scenario Reporter.xlsm

The above file is a template for adding scenario tabulations to any financial model

Kalitta Corporate Finance Model.xlsm


The above file includes a tornado diagram with the Offset function to accept flexible different series


CDO Exercise 2.xlsm

The above file has a waterfall chart with a sensitivity analysis

Scenario Lesson Set 2: Using Macros in Scenario Analysis

Alternative to Data Tables in Scenario Analysis
Problems with Copy and Paste Macros in Models
Use of Goal Seek in Models
Creating Data Tables with Macros
Power of FOR loops with CELLS function

Video Creating Data Tables and Scenario Analysis (If the music is too low, try headphones if you have them)

The above file shows how you can make effective graphs from data tables

Exercise 5 – One Way Data Tables from Macros.xlsm


The above file uses a macro to create a one way data table

Exercise 6 – Goal Seek and Macro.xlsm

The above file reviews data tables in the context of structured finance

Exercise 2 – Data Tables from Macros.xlsm


The above file shows how to make a more flexible data table with macros

Exercise 3 – Data Tables with Macros and Range Names.xlsm

The above file shows how to speed up data tables with range names

Exercise 4 – Graphs from Data Tables.xlsm

The above file uses a macro with a goal seek and a macro table

Solar Sensitivity Analysis.xlsm

Timing in Budget Model.xlsx

Subject Excel Exercise File Video Chapter Reference Page Reference
Two Way Data Table with Structured Finance Model CDO Exercise 2 Chapter 16 193
One Way Data Table with Structured Finance Model CDO Exercise 2 Chapter 16 201
Basic One Way and Two Way Data Tables Exercise 1: Data Tables without Macros Chapter 16 193
Data Table with Macro – No Range Name Exercise 2: Data Tables with Macros Chapter 16 201
Flexible Two Way Data Tables with Macros and Range Names Exercise 3: Flexible Data Tables with Macros Chapter 16 203
Creating Graphs from Data Tables Exercise 4: Graphs from Data Tables Chapter 15 174
Flexible One Way Data Tables with Macros and Range Names Exercise 5: Flexible One Way Data Tables with Macros Chapter 16 203
Goal Seek, Macros and Data Table Macros Exercise 6: Goal Seek Macros and Data Table Macros Chapter 42 541
Auto Open Macro to Set Calculation Method Exercise 7: Data Tables and Auto_Open Macro Chapter 16 193
Use of Calculatebeforesave = False to Save Fast Exercise 8: Data Tables and Save Chapter 16 198
Basic Scenario Analysis with INDEX and Data Table Exercise 9: Basic Scenario Analyisis Chapter 17 212
Sensitvity Analysis with INDEX and Data Table Exercise 10: Basic Sensitivity Analysis Chapter 18 234
Creating a Custom Scenario without Macros Exercise 11: Basic Custom Scenario Case Chapter 17 223
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Exercies that Demonstrate How to Create Scenario, Spider Diagrams and Tornado Diagrams

This page contains exercises and explanations for adding tornado diagrams and spider diagrams to your models. Once you get used to just a couple funcitions in excel, I am convinced that you can very easily add the scenario and other types of analyses to any of your models. All of the exercise in one way or another use a combination of the INDEX and DATA TABLE functions in excel. It is fairly easy to program the INDEX fucntion and DATA TABLES in excel; the key is to know how to creatively use the commands in combination.

Due to the importance of this risk analysis, the tools below include video explanations as well as the exerciese and also documentation in power point slides.

Subject Excel Exercise File Video Chapter Reference Page Reference
Basic Tornado Diagram Scenario and Tornado Exercise Chapter 16 193
Sorting a Tornado Diagram Scenario and Tornado Exercise Finished
Tornado Diagram with Two Way Table Scenario and Tornado Exercise Two Way Table
Showing Low and High Case Values in Tornado Diagram
Tornado Diagram in Project Finance Model
Tornado Diagram with Alternative Base Case
Spider Diagram with Constant Increments
Spider Diagram with Variable Increments
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Scenario and Tornado Exercise.xlsx
Scenario and Tornado Exercise Two Way Table.xlsm
Scenario and Tornado Exercise Finished.xlsx
Integrated Electricity Analysis.xlsm 

Exercies for Creating Tornado Diagrams
Note: the template for creating tornado diagrams is in the risk analysis templates

Tornado Exercise.xls

Combination of Scenario and Sensitivity

This file contains an example of how to combine scenario and sensitivity analysis whereby you can create a base case and then perform sensititivy analysis on different varaibles in the base case. Alternatively you can create a downside case and then perform sensitivity analysis on variables in the downside case etc. This approach allows you to retain base case variables and also analyse downside cases on individual items. To create the scenario analysis, you can use data tables, index functions and some simple VBA code. An example of the approach is shown in the file below.


Video Instructions for Scenario Manager
Power point slides for Scenario Manager

Scenario Analysis using Data Table and Index

Power point slides that explain the risk analysis models
Exercise for Creating Spider Diagrams
Exercise for creating data tables with VBA
Exercise for Creating a one-way and two way data table


Excel Background – Senario and Sensitivity.ppt
Exercise 2 – Scenario Analysis – Data Table.xls
Scenario Exercise.xls
Spider Exercise.xls
Data Table Exercise.xls
Data Table with Goal Seek.xls
Scenario Exercise 1.xlsx
Scenario Explanation.xls
Integrated Electricity Analysis.xls