Union UDF & Master List

The UNION function allows you to take multiple lists in an excel file with different orders of names and then put them into a common list. The union function allows you to put together financial statements with different titles in different years.  Using this method you can make the process of creating a historic database of financial statements easier. This page includes demonstrates how to use the function and includes technical documentation of the function. To access the UNION function you need the read pdf file open.  You can then copy the function into your file using the ALT F8 method as any UDF function.  The Read Pdf to Excel file can be downloaded by pressing the button below.  This page also covers reading data from the SEC website into excel for which you can use an alternative file.


Read PDF to Excel File that Allows you to Format Data After Copying from PDF File (Press Shift, Cntl, A)

Asian Version of Excel File the Reads PDF (or Internet) to Excel with Macros that are Implemented with SHIFT CNTL Afor

File with Macros that Format Data Copied into and Excel File from the U.S.Securities and Exchange Website


Using the Union Function to Put Together Financial Statements

Like many functions, the UNION function is an array function.  This means the output does not go into one cell but rather into a series of cells.  To operate the UNION function you should leave a long space and then select the long space.  After that, you begin typing the UNION function.  Then like with any function press the tab key.  After that, you can select multiple other columns (or rows) that will be combined into one single column,  At the end press the SHIFT, CNTL, ENTER sequence.


Here is a step by step review of the union function:

Step 1: Insert some columns at the left of the sheet

Step 2: Use the Union Function which is an array function (SHIFT, CNTL, ENTER)

Step 3: Match the Cell from the UNION function list with original list of names for the year and put 0 at the end

Step 4: Combine the INDEX with the MATCH function and you will have a consistent set of columns


The video below is lengthy and bad but it goes through this.


The second video demonstrates the VBA code that is used to create the UNION function.  This video is more technical and has various sort routined.


Technical Details of the Union Function

The insert below shows the code for creating the UNION Function.  You can copy this function to your sheets like you can copy any UDF.  Just select the code below and copy it to a VBA module.


The code for this union function is shown in the box below:


Function union(range1, range2, Optional range3, Optional range4, Optional range5, Optional range6, Optional range7, _
Optional range8, Optional range9, Optional range10, Optional range11, Optional range12) As Variant

Dim output(1000) As Variant ' output variables - for aggregate list
Dim output1(1000) As Variant ' variable with code number to maintain order
Dim output3(1000, 1) As Variant ' ultimate output variable

GoTo missing_test:

GoTo num_range: ' Get the total number for the loop through counting variables
num_range_return: ' Where to come back after getting numbers

GoTo accumulate:

' sort the output array without the numbers so that can remove duplicates

For i = 1 To tot_num

For j = i To tot_num

If output(j) < output(i) Then

str1 = output(i)
str2 = output(j)

output(i) = str2
output(j) = str1

str_1 = output1(i)
str_2 = output1(j)

output1(i) = str_2
output1(j) = str_1

End If
Next j
Next i

' eliminate duplicates from the output array without the numbers

Count = 2
For i = 2 To tot_num Step 1 ' master list

If output(Count) = output(Count - 1) Then ' if last value = prior value

For j = Count To tot_num Step 1 ' push everything up
If j > 1 Then output(j - 1) = output(j)
If j > 1 Then output1(j - 1) = output1(j)
Next j

Count = Count - 1

End If

Count = Count + 1
Next i

revised_tot = Count - 1

' re-sort with number

For i = 1 To revised_tot

For j = i To revised_tot

If output1(j) < output1(i) Then

str1 = output1(i)
str2 = output1(j)

output1(i) = str2
output1(j) = str1

str_1 = output(i)
str_2 = output(j)

output(i) = str_2
output(j) = str_1

End If

Next j

Next i

For i = 1 To revised_tot
output3(i, 1) = output(i)
Next i

union = output3
Exit Function


' Create test for optional variables when you enter a variable

range3_option = True
range4_option = True
range5_option = True
range6_option = True
range7_option = True
range8_option = True
range9_option = True
range10_option = True
range11_option = True
range12_option = True

If IsMissing(range3) Then range3_option = False
If IsMissing(range4) Then range4_option = False
If IsMissing(range5) Then range5_option = False
If IsMissing(range6) Then range6_option = False
If IsMissing(range7) Then range7_option = False
If IsMissing(range8) Then range8_option = False
If IsMissing(range9) Then range9_option = False
If IsMissing(range10) Then range10_option = False
If IsMissing(range11) Then range11_option = False
If IsMissing(range12) Then range12_option = False

GoTo missing_return:

' count the number in the series


num1 = range1.Count
num2 = range2.Count

If range3_option Then num3 = range3.Count
If range4_option Then num4 = range4.Count
If range5_option Then num5 = range5.Count
If range6_option Then num6 = range6.Count
If range7_option Then num7 = range7.Count
If range8_option Then num8 = range8.Count
If range9_option Then num9 = range9.Count
If range10_option Then num10 = range10.Count
If range11_option Then num11 = range11.Count
If range12_option Then num12 = range12.Count

tot_num = num1 + num2 + num3 + num4 + num5 + num6 + num7 + num8 + num9 + num10 + num11 + num12
revised_tot = tot_num

GoTo num_range_return:


' Accumulate the data into output and output1

For i = 1 To num1 ' accumulate into a single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range1(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range1(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i

For i = 1 To num2
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range2(i)
output(Count) = range2(i)

Next i

If range3_option Then
For i = 1 To num3
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range3(i)
output(Count) = range3(i)
Next i
End If

If range4_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num4 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range4(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range4(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range5_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num5 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range5(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range5(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range6_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num6 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range6(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range6(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range7_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num7 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range7(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range7(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range8_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num8 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range8(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range8(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range9_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num9 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range9(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range9(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range10_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num10 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range10(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range10(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range11_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num11 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range11(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range11(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

If range12_option Then ' only do when passed the missing test for range
For i = 1 To num12 ' accumulate into an aggregate single array
Count = Count + 1

output1(Count) = i + 100 & " " & range12(i) ' use code numbers to maintain the order of the numbers
output(Count) = range12(i) ' make a big array with all of the ranges

Next i
End If ' end of missing test on range

tot_num = Count
revised_tot = tot_num

GoTo accumulate_return:

End Function

Sub A_union_function_help()


GoTo skip
MsgBox _
Chr(1) & Chr(2) & Chr(3) & Chr(4) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & Chr(7) & Chr(8) & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(11) & " Test Chars " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
Chr(11) & Chr(12) & Chr(13) & Chr(14) & Chr(15) & Chr(16) & Chr(17) & Chr(18) & Chr(19) & Chr(20) & Chr(21) & " Find the A_function_help macro and copy entire module to you workbook" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
Chr(21) & Chr(22) & Chr(23) & Chr(24) & Chr(25) & Chr(26) & Chr(27) & Chr(28) & Chr(29) & Chr(30) & Chr(31) & " Find the A_function_help macro and copy entire module to you workbook" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" Please make sure the Option Base 1 is at the top " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" To Sort, for now you must copy and paste special " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" There is an INDMAT -- Index and Match Function. This can be used with entire columns or rows" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13)


MsgBox _
" Find the UNION functions (See the Button Below). COPY entire module to you workbook" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" Make sure the Option Base 1 is at the top " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" Use the UNION function to get a TITLE List -- Make Similar Titles " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" The UNION is only for getting a good master list of Similar Titles " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" Use the INDMAT function for the Numbers -- Enter the Account Title, the Master Title and the Numbers " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" To Sort, for now you must copy and paste special " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" The INDMAT -- Index and Match Function makes things easier. This can be used with entire columns or rows" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13), , _

MsgBox _
" After Reading in the Financials, you should do some PREPARATION " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" 1. Put the Financials in the Same Sheet " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" 2. Put the years in Order " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" 3. Adjust Titles to Make Them Similar " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" 4. Apply the UNION function for a comprehensive set of titles " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" 5. Use the INDMAT function with locked columns and copy down " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" The INDMAT -- Index and Match Function makes things easier. This can be used with entire columns or rows" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13), , _

End Sub

Technical Details of the INDMAT

The insert below shows the code for creating the INDMAT Function.  You can copy this function to your sheets like for the other functions.

Function indmat(lookup_value, master_list, values) As Single ' This function does the index and match together

Dim num As Single
num = 150

For i = 1 To num ' loop around a given number
If lookup_value = master_list(i) Then
indmat = values(i)
Exit Function
End If
Next i

' On Error GoTo no_value:
' match1 = WorksheetFunction.Match(lookup_value, master_list, 0)
' indmat = WorksheetFunction.Index(values, match1)

' Exit Function
indmat = 0

End Function