This page includes slides, excel files and videos that I have put together for evaluating solar, battery and hydrogen projects from in a comprehensive manner. I include power point slides, excel files along with the videos so that you can work at your own pace through the different materials. After introducing the subjects and the revolution in solar power, I work through mechanical issues with computing LCOE and understanding why the costs of solar have declined so dramatically. I then discuss financing issues including some discussion of resource analysis involving how to compute P50, P90 etc. Once solar is described, I discuss issues that have arisen associated with battery storage with simulations of hourly demand and hourly solar power. As power is the major input for hydrogen, I also discuss the cost of hydrogen using different strategies such as location of hydrogen production, production of hydrogen only during certain times and size of the hydrogen facilities. I hope to keep the analysis objective which is a little tricky in the energy industry with all of the vested interests. For example there seems to be a lot of emotion about whether hydrogen vehicles or battery vehicles are better. I hope to just show you how to make an economic analysis. I have included files that describe the implications of the low cost solar on this page including analysis of batteries and analysis of green hydrogen.
Power Point Files for the Solar Course
I have included four power point files that work through solar, wind, batteries and hydrogen. I am continue to work on these files and I will update them. The first file introduces solar issues and includes resource issues including probability analysis. The second file describes issues associated with measuring the economics of batteries including evaluation of issues like battery life, degradation, round trip efficiency, cost etc. The third file includes discussion of hydrogen and vehicles. You can download the files by clicking on the buttons below.
Excel Files that Accompany the Courses
In working through issues for the course I have included various different excel files with selected examples. I have attached the excel files that I refer to in the course discussion. The first file below is an example of a relatively simple solar case with different scenarios and evaluation of different resource estimates.
Excel File with Example of Solar Development Project Including Resource Analysis and Benchmarking
Video Series of Solar Courses with Hydrogen and Storage