Residential real estate analysis is a lot about time lines, construction with walls, windows, foundations timing. The file below is used for a low-income multi-family analysis. This files includes set-up of a model with various colours using generic macros. In subsequent parts of the page I discuss single-family residential developments. I have a few exercises that introduce these ideas and a video below. In evaluating assumptions for a real estate model, it may be good to study the sub-prime crisis that had devastating effects on the world economy for many years. If you download the file attached to the second button, you can find data that may help you in evaluating the sub-prime crisis.
Other files that I have not yet put on this website are show below. You can find these files in the resource library by e-mailing me at They are in the Real Estate Folder of Chapter 1.
Residential Model Concepts.xlsx
Exercise 12 – Residential Housing Development with Milestones.xls