Battery Analysis in Microgrid – Version 1.0

This page describes my first analysis of batteries, solar and diesel.  The analysis uses a hypothetical micro-grid that is not connected to a central grid where the only generation choices are solar and diesel.  The batter analysis is developed using the excel solver where the optimal amount of solar and battery capacity are evaluated depending on load curves.

The analysis of batteries, solar and diesel depends on many factors. Some of the most important include:

  1. Cost of Solar Power
  2. Amount of Solar from Irridiation Analysis
  3. Fuel Cost of Diesel
  4. Load Curve
  5. Battery Cost and Carrying Charge Rate


The file below includes an analysis of diesel prices.  You can download the file by pressing the button.

File with Analysis of Diesel Prices and Conversion Factors as Basis for Battery Analysis


The video below shows how to retrieve futures prices for diesel



Power Point Slides that Work Through Analytical Issues Associated with Batteries Including Analysis with kWh Instead of kW