For much of my life I have worked on electric utility issues. I often write testimony in utility cases on cost of capital issues, cost of service issues and other subjects. Much of the academic literature on electricity markets, regulation of distribution companies, establishing rate design for business and domestic consumers is heavily biased in favor of policy positions that are advocated by institutions that have a lot of money. These institutions are utility companies and groups that are put together to represent medium and large businesses. I do not get paid very much for my papers and my testimony and I generally represent consumer interests. In particular I have advocated for positions that favor small consumers. I hope that some of my testimony is provocative and presents a technical and academic background on a lot of important policy issues.
– Testimony on Cost of Capital and other financial issues (mergers, deferred taxes etc.)
– Papers and Testimony on Profits of Generation Companies
– Testimony and Analysis on Forecasting and Statistical Analysis
– Testimony on Project Finance and Plant Valuation Issues
– Testimony on Rate Design and Cost of Service
– Testimony on Comparative Rates and Productivity
The file below contains a list of my testimony over the years
Testiomny on Why Non-Coincident Load Allocator Should Not Be Used in Illinois Docket 10-0467
Testimony for Citizens Utility Board in Case on Rates of Low Use Consumers in Docket 2014-0487
Testimony for City of Chicago on Rate Design and Cost of Service Issues in Docket 2013-0487
- Publication: Some Consequences of The Tax Act Of 1981. Bodmer, Edward, and Charles Stalon. Proceedings from the 13th annual conference of the Institute of Public Utilities, Williamsburg Virginia, !982.
- Publication: Alternatives to Case-by-Case Rate Base Regulation. Bodmer, Edward. Proceedings from the Second Biennial Regulatory Information Conference, 1982.
Publication: The Capital Investment Recovery Model, An Alternative to the AFUDC/CWIP In Rate Base Controversy. Bodmer, Edward and Robert Bussa. Midwest Finance Association, 1983.
Publication: Tax and Financial Implications of ERC Leasing by Electricity Utility Companies. Bodmer, Edward, and Roger Raufer, 1985.
Publication: Utility Rate Comparisons and Management Efficiency. Bodmer, Edward, and George Tolley. Public Utilities Fortnightly, 1990.
Information on this publication can be found at the following links
- Publication: Recommendations from University of Chicago Conference on Utility Regulation. Bodmer, Edward, George Tolley and Peter Griffes, Resources and Energy, 1992.
The full title of this publication is “Emerging issues in the regulation of electric utilities”, published in Resources and Energy, 1992, George, S. Tolley, Peter H. Griffes, Robert S. Chirnko Richard Geedes, Edward Bodmer. A link to the article can be found at:
- Publication: Statistical Study of Costs and Rates in New Zealand, Bodmer, Edward, New Zealand Electricity Supply Association, 1992.
Publication: Impacts of Western Area Power Administration’s Power Marketing Alternatives on Retail Electricity Rates and Financial Viability. Bodmer, Edward, R. Fisher and R. C. Hemphill, January 1994.
Publication: The Deregulation Penalty: Losses for Consumers and Gains for Sellers A Report to the American Public Power Association, May 2009
The full title for this article is “A Market-Based Approach for Analysis of Utility Decisions” Electricity Journal 8 (No. 3, April): 36–42. The article was co-authored with Richard Waldman. A link for the article can be found at;