Financing the Consolidated Portfolio

This is an analysis where multiple SPV’s are consolidated into a portfolio. The important part of this process is of a flexible template for the SPV that includes currency risks and different types of financing. In this webpage, the last part of the analysis is presented. I demonstrate outputs of individual SPV’s that are eventually rolled-up into the consolidated analysis. This depends on the financing structure of at the SPV and whether debt is issued on a project basis. The graphs show how debt service is paid at the individual SPV and how the individual SPV receives cash flow from the solar project in different scenario cases.


Model that Puts Together Multiple SPV's with an SPV Template the Includes Separate Financing for Each SPV




This is a solar rooftop analysis that involves identical issues to real estate analysis that include creating a portfolio with different characteristics including start dates, end dates changes in utilisation and operating expenses. It includes detail methods for computing working and financing. There is a set of 15 videos that constitutes a course associated with both basic and advanced issues associated with this analysis.

Portfolio of Small Developments.xlsm

Playlist on Creating and Anlysing Portfolio of Projects or Assets

I have put together some of the videos that I have made on creating a portfolio of projects or SPV’s. Some of the videos do not reflect the final method that I have created and may be repetitive. But if you want to torture yourself you can take a look. The various videos in this playlist include different examples of how to create a portfolio and write the macros.

