This sheet demonstrates how you can use, modify and create a file that downloads a variety of selected currencies. The file works retrieving data from the internet and then putting the relevant data at the top of the sheet. You can download the file you can quickly extract different currencies and copy the data into an excel file after clicking a couple of check boxes. The file uses the method as well as multiple check boxes.
The file that you can download below uses current exchange rates from It formerly used the website but this website no longer allows you to scrape anything.
In the completed file below, you can select different exchange rates and press a button (Read Currencies in List) to get current updates of the exchange rate. I have used the technique to use check boxes with TRUE and FALSE and Match as well as a macro that turns off all of the TRUE’s in all of the checkboxes.
If you download the file below, all you have to do is click on the currencies you want with the check boxes. Then click the macro box and all of your exchange rates are ready to be copied into any other file that you want.
Instructions for Using the Currency File
When you open the file, you may see something like what is in the screenshot below. This screen shot has some existing data from a prior run. I had begun clicking some currencies that I was interested in downloading. Note the final currencies are included in the grey box with the date that you have downloaded the data. This data in the grey box can be copied and pasted as values to your file.
The second screenshot shows how all the checkboxes are unclicked after pressing the button name “Set to False.” You can see that all of the boxes are blanks. In this case no currencies are selected.
The third screenshot shows how after selecting Sterling and Euro, you get a new summary. You just press the button named “Read Currencies in List”. Technical details that explain how to create the macro to scrape the data that are part of the macro assigned to this button are shown in the next section.
The fourth screenshot shows how you can copy the data into your spreadsheet after you have completed the download.
Technical VBA Details
In this section I have copied the VBA code that uses the technique to get the data. The file works like other files in that you separate and make new URL’s and use the INDEX function. Once you have the URL, the loop works through each currency, reads the currency from the internet. The row for 1 USD is found and the entire row is copied to the base file.
Public row_output_number As Single Public currency_number As Single Public base_sheet As String Sub all_currencies() Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' dont ask when close files Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' dont show the screens current_calc = Application.Calculation Application.Calculation = xlCalculationSemiautomatic For Sheet = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1 If Sheets(Sheet).Name = "Break Sheet" Then Exit For End If Worksheets(Sheet).Delete Next Sheet Application.Calculation = xlCalculationSemiautomatic base_sheet = ActiveSheet.Name date_output = DateValue(Now) ' if you want to show the date somewhere Range("date_out") = date_output ' put the title date at to Range("date_out").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "d-mmm-yy" Range("title_1") = "Currencies for " row_output_number = 200 Range("output").Clear Range("total_currencies").Calculate MsgBox " This puts out beginning in row 200 " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " Reading " & Range("total_currencies") & " currencies" For i = 1 To Range("total_currencies") ' from counta Range("row_num") = i row_output_number = row_output_number + 1 read_a_currency Next i Application.StatusBar = False ' put the url name at the bottom Sheets(base_sheet).Select Application.Calculation = current_calc End Sub Sub read_a_currency() ' Subroutine that reads each link separately Dim test_value, test_criteria As String close_file = Range("close_file") ' Read option from sheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' dont ask when close files current_book = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' record the existing location current_sheet = ActiveSheet.Name current_cell = ActiveCell.Address Application.StatusBar = Range("url_name") ' put the url name at the bottom url_name = Range("url_name") ' each url name in the range name Workbooks.Open (url_name) ' read the file temp_book_name = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' define the current sheet for closing later on Cells.Select ' copy the sheet without ads etc Selection.Copy Sheets.Add ' add in the same sheet Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False test_value = "1 USD" ' What to Look For test_criteria = "1 USD" ' What to Look For evaluation = StrComp(test_value, "1 USD", vbTextCompare) ' evaluation is zero when equal evaluation = StrComp(test_value, test_criteria, vbTextCompare) ' evaluation is zero when equal For Row = 1 To 150 ' look for the exchange rate test_value = Range("A:A").Cells(Row, 1) ' Look in Column A test_value = Left(test_value, 5) evaluation = StrComp(test_value, test_criteria, vbTextCompare) If evaluation = 0 Then ' Zero is when found in the STRCOMP Function match_truncated = Row ' Retain the Row Number Exit For End If Next Row row_number = Row ' find while in temp sheet row_name = row_number & ":" & row_number ' row name for copying Range(row_name).Select ' Select entire row Selection.Copy ' Copy the entire row If row_output_number = 0 Then row_output_number = 200 target_cell = "A" & row_output_number ' where to place the result target_cell = row_output_number & ":" & row_output_number ' where to place the result Workbooks(current_book).Activate ' return to base sheet and copy Sheets(base_sheet).Activate Range(target_cell).Select ' ' Paste the single row from the currency URL ' Sheets(base_sheet).Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False If close_file Then Workbooks(temp_book_name).Close ' close the file from the URL Else Workbooks(temp_book_name).Activate Cells.Select ' copy the sheet without ads etc Selection.Copy Workbooks(current_book).Activate ' return to base sheet and copy Sheets.Add ' add in the same sheet Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Name = Range("currency") Workbooks(temp_book_name).Close ' close the file from the URL ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) End If Range(current_cell).Select End Sub Sub ListBox2_Change() base_cell = Selection.Address For i = 1 To 10 ' decide how many possible items on the graph Range("list_out1").Cells(i, 1).Clear ' clear out the range name that will be re-filled Next i ' note this output is named list_out2; it can be renamed ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("List Box 2")).Select ' change this name to the number of your box Row = 1 ' Make a row counter to put output For i = 1 To Selection.ListCount ' This is the number in the list box If Selection.Selected(i) = True Then ' Only keep the selected items Range("list_out1").Cells(Row, 1) = Selection.List(i) Row = Row + 1 ' Assign to the range name End If Next i ' Finish loop around the listbox items Range(base_cell).Select Range(base_cell).Activate End Sub
Video Explanation of the Macro and Using the File
The video below shows you how to create a macro that finds the correct place in the file that is downloaded from the internet with the statement and how to set-up the file to download multiple exchange rates.