This page includes files, case study exercises videos and discussion of financial modelling for climate change. The discussion includes projects that include adaption for climate change as well mitigation of climate change. Evaluation of various projects is separated into different sections and each section begins with some theory and discussion of financial modelling concepts. This is followed by discussion of a financial modelling assignment case which is introduced in a video. After the case for each session is is worked on by participants the case is discussed in a video session.
Introductory Session on Financing Projects and Financial Principles including discussion of Project Finance and Corporate Finance
Power Point Slides that Describe Project Finance Principles for Public Private Partnership Projects
Questions for Discussion
Provide Examples of Adaptation that Involve Project Finance
Provide Examples of Adaptaion that Involve Corporate Finance
What are the three things you need to compute pre-tax project IRR
What is the most important statistic for a lender in project finance
What ratio may a lender look at in corporate finance
Find examples of infrastructure projects where climate change has caused a large amount of damage
Basic Case Study that Illustrates Economics of Expenditures for Mitigation of Climate Change
Overview of Modelling Issues for Climate Change Scenario Analysis with Project IRR Implications
Discussion of the Case Results and Presentations of the Overall Economics from the Case Study and with cost of capital
Write Case with Addition to Simple Case with Debt Financing and Credit Analysis
Overview of Debt Model Issues for Climate Change Scenario Analysis with Equity IRR Implications
Discussion of the Case Results and Presentations of the Debt Sizing and Credit Issues from the Case with Presentation of Equity IRR
Write Case with Concessional Debt and/or Direct Grants to Compensate Investors for Risks Associated with Climate Change Impacts
Discussion of the Case Results and Presentations of the Overall Economics from the Case Study and Alternative Grants and Concessional Debt
Detailed Lecture on PPP Projects with Discussion of Infrastructure Projects and Energy Projects with Focus on Africa – Session 2
Review of Actual Tollroad Models in Africa Including Maintence Reserve Accounts, Debt Financing, Revenue Patterns and Risk Analysis
Modeling Complexities Part 1 – Circular References from Funding and Alternative Methods
Modeling Complexities Part 2 – Debt Sizing and Repayment Structures with Sculpting in Tollroad case with costs of environmental mitigation
Construction of Cases with Adaptation of Climate Change from Added Up-front Capital Expenditures
Introduction to Detailed Tollroad Model with Multiple Debt Issues and Complex Sculpting – Case for a climate resilient infrastructure
Review of Actual Models of Tollroad projects in Africa Including Models that are overly detailed and un-structured model Case for a climate resilient infrastructure
Model Complexities Associated with Maintence Reserves, Re-financing, Multiple Debt Issues and Toll Growth
Assign Participant Case Study with Sensitivity Analysis in Actual Model
Create Climate Scenario Analysis with Debt Sizing in Toll Road Model
Detailed Lecture on PPP Projects with Discussion of Port and Airport Projects with Focus on Africa – Session 2 – Case for a climate resilient infrastructure
Review of Actual Tollroad Models in Africa Including Maintence Reserve Accounts, Debt Financing, Revenue Patterns and Risk Analysis
Project Finance Issues with Development Fees, Multiple Investors, O&M Agreements
Modelling Effects of Development Fees
Modelling Effects of Multiple Investors and Yield Based Flips
Discussion of Case Study Results with Climate Change Impacts
Develop Web Page with Case Study, Excel Cases and Description
Develop Strategy for Inviting Interested People Accross Africa for Capacity Building
Prepare Invitations for Other Institutions and Persons in Africa to Maximize Impact
Introductory Session on Financing Projects and Financial Principles including discussion of Project Finance and Corporate Finance
Develop Case Study for Energy Efficient Agricultural Project with Climate Change Benefits – Case for the AAI PanAfrican Readiness
Initial On-Line Modelling Session for Agricultural Project with Time-Line Set-up, Commodity Prices, Yields and Capital Expenditures
Participant Case Study for Agricultural Project with Climate Change Benefits where Participants Prepare Base Case Financial Model
Video Session on Risk Analysis and Climate Benefits in Agriculture Project
Follow-up Session on Participant Anaysis of Risk including scenario development and simple loan repayment analysis
Initial Develop Web Page with Case Study, Excel Cases and Description so that analysis can be used in the future and be available to other people in Africa
Discussion of the Theory of Financing Real-Estate and Energy Effiency Projects Including Alterntive Financing of the Projects – Building case for the AAI ECOVERSE concept
Develop Case Study for Real-Estate Project with Climate Change Benefits
On-Line Modelling Session for Energy Efficient Real Estate Development with time lines, capitalization rates, loan to value and other measures
Participant Case Study Discussion for Real-Estate Project with Climate Change Benefits
Video Session on Risk Analysis and Climate Benefits in Real-Estate Project
Addition to Web Page with Real Estate Case Study, Excel Cases and Description
Introductory Session on Project Finance and Finance
Introductory Session on Solar Economic Analysis with Analysis of Solar Data in Africa
Develop Case Study for Africa Solar Development with Climate Change Benefits
On-Line Modelling Session for Africa Solar Development with Calculation of P90 and Debt Sculpting
Participant Case Study for Solar Company with Climate Change Benefits
Video Session on Risk Analysis and Climate Benefits in Solar Development Project
Assignement to Participants for Real Interview Cases on Solar Projects
Develop Web Page with Case Study, Excel Cases and Description