
This is an introductory page that has child menus that describe the databases.  Hedieh found the following general discussion of excel from a man named Boris Noro.  It deals with big data which is kind of like the analysis I am suggesting in this part of my website.

Excel is outdated !

Ok, everyone knows Excel, you use Excel, I use Excel, Dad/Mom use Excel and maybe even Grandpa.

We all do reports, graphs, project planning…

In fact we use Excel for almost everything.

When Redmond’s company released Microsoft Excel in 1985, it was already a success and today Excel is extremely popular.

But you know what?

We never learned to use it.

Excel, this great unknown

Everyone has a different way of working with Excel. There is no clearly defined consensus or « good practice. »

The fact that we are not really trained in these kinds of tools leads to a lack of knowledge once we arrive in the professional world.

In fact, there is a classic debate on the web, like Python is better than Excel, Excel is outdated …

Python is used by guys who have learned to code for years or even decades, so this debate is largely biased.

And now I’m going to tell you the truth

Here’s what they blame Excel for:

Excel is not automatable

A programming language is integrated with Excel – Visual  Basic for  Application – ok, it’s more or less reserved for insiders, but honestly, it’s the simplest programming language i know.

Is he out of date?

Yes, but in fact there is not only VBA  in Excel, there is  M  (data manipulation),  DAX  (calculations as part of a relational model) and now  OfficeScript  (near Typescript/Javascript).

Oh, going back to VBA, there’s still a guy who finally made Zelda Excelda with:


Excel is not scalable

Power Pivot limit: 2,147,483,647 tables, max lines numbers in each table: 1,999,999,997.

Graphic capabilities are limited


The Michelangelo of Microsoft Excel

A debate that costs money

This debate was born out of the rise of data science and the era of big data.

A whole range of new jobs have emerged: data scientist, data-analyst, data engineer, machine learning engineer, data-devops, etc.

The key word is DATA, and the main goal of these new trades is to create value from these large volumes of data.

Engineers, who learned Python at school, but not Excel.

And that’s how the gap was created:

On the one hand, there are people who use Excel in their daily work as they can.

And on the other hand the data analyst, data scientist, business intelligence trick who try to exploit this data, but end up with unstructured Excel files.

As a result, time and money are wasted.

And now the big secret: it’s possible to structure your data in Excel.

And we can learn that.

Why don’t we learn how to use Excel?


This page include links to the various databases, exercises, graphing techniques and statistical analysis that I have developed.  All of the databases can be automatically updated. The links below are the same as the links in the menu page.

Comprehensive Stock Price, Economic Variables, Commodity Prices and Exchange Rate Analysis

Comprehensive Financial Database if You Cannot Afford Bloomberg

Commodity Price Database Including Futures Download

Country Economic Database from FRED

Interest Rate and Credit Spread Analysis from FRED

Using Current Currency Database For Invoices etc.

Purchasing Power Parity Database and Exchange Rates

Database of Solar Costs