This page includes various miscellaneous models and analysis that I did not know where to put anywhere else. It includes some corporate models with a historic period and a projection period. It also includes a little exercise about how to evaluate day-by-day accounts receivable and loans that is really about excel practices.
Excel File for Treasury Analysis with Daily Analysis of Accounts Receivable and Borrowing with Loans
Other Corporate Models: Evraz (Russia); Sateri (Singapore); Meracorp (Solvenia) and LaFarge
I have included some other old corporate models that we have developed in classes. All of the models begin with historic data and use the key concept of the historic switch. The Evraz is a model of a steel producer in Russia. This model demonstrates a lot of scenario analysis and shows how to build a lot of assumptions and analysis from a few lines of production and volume sales that are in financial reports. The Evraz model also documents issues associated with modelling maintenance capital expenditures and capital expenditures for new development projects that add new capacity. Sateri is a corporate model of a chemical company and includes and analysis of capacity from existing facilities and capacity from new facilities. The capacity allows modelling of alternative capacity utilization scenarios. The LaFarge model is a comprehensive model that includes sensitivity analysis from reports to investors and other sources. Finally, the Meracorp model is an analysis of a retailer that was having financial difficulties.
Utility Company Models with History and Alternative Regulatory Analysis
The file that you can download below includes some standard assumptions layouts that are useful in different types of models. When you set something like this up, be careful and do not necessarily use every single item in the InputC sheet (you can if you want)

Working Analysis and Financial Statements

Evraz Finished.xlsm
Sateri Corporate Model.xlsm
LaFarge Financial Model.xlsm
Meracorp Acquistion.xlsm