
Renewable Resource and Financial Analysis

$800.00 $300.00

You can see the outline by clicking on the button below.  A video that includes the LCOE analysis that we perform in the class is included below the button with the outline.
View Outline for Renewable Energy with Hydrogen and Storage
The video below demonstrates some of the issues that we will cover in the course.  I can assure you that it is enormously better to work through these issues in the course where we have discussions, interruptions, illustrations with hands on cases then in the videos.  Of course you will also get copies of the course videos after each session.
Renewable Energy and Storage Course
The outline is kind of dry and follows some of the standard kind of stuff you may get with a course.  Some of the real highlights of the course include:
  1. Seeing how to measure the cost of storage combined with solar and wind the see what kind of parameters can make storage economic.
  2. Understanding levelised cost calculations and assuring that you focus on the real drivers of value and that you are never intimidated to make your own calculations.
  3. Becoming comfortable with debt terms and financial models without working through every little detail.
  4. Being able to read and interpret a resource study and understand the uncertainties that are driven by things that mean revert and things that do not mean revert.
  5. Evaluating hydrogen and biomass projects with more components than other renewable energy courses.
Course/WebinarSessionsTime per Session (Hours)Start_Date for the CourseDays per Week From First DayCourse Time LondonCourse Time ParisCourse Time ShanghiCourse Time in New YorkMax PartipPrice (USD)Book a PlaceOutline
In House CourseNANANANANANANANANA$7,500Book a Place View Outline
Saturday Modelling SessionsMany Sessions2.5 HoursTBDSaturday13:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AMNA$300.00Book a PlaceView Outline
Financial Modelling of Tax EquityThree Sessions3 HoursJuly 2022Book a Place View Outline
M&A Valuation and Modelling53.5 HoursM,T, W, Th, F13:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AM15$300.00Book a Place View Outline
Project Finance Analysis and Case Studies54 HoursLater in 2022M,T, W, Th, F13:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AM20$300.00Book a PlaceView Outline
Risk Analysis with Models52 HoursLater in 2022M,T, W, Th, F13:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AM20$300.00Book a PlaceView Outline
Merchant Prices and Electricity Economics42 HoursM,T, W, Th13:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AM10$300.00Book a PlaceView Outline
Hydrogen Economic Analysis22 HoursLater in 202213:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AM
Reserve Based Loans and Monte Carlo44 HoursTBDM,Tu,W,Th
PF Pain Ponts Webinar and Parallel Model13:0015:009:00 PM9:00 AM6Book a PlaceView Outline